Untitled (Shapella), 2016
Untitled (Shapella), 2016
Crossroads, 2016
Crossroads, 2016
I'll always place treasures in your hair, 2018
I'll always place treasures in your hair, 2018
Which one of 'em hit you?! (Four Little Ladies), 2018
Which one of 'em hit you?! (Four Little Ladies), 2018
Solange, 2020
Solange, 2020
Two braids have always been my fave, 2018
Two braids have always been my fave, 2018
Untitled (Shapella), 2016
Untitled (Shapella), 2016201618” (H) x 14” (L)Pen on paper
Crossroads, 2016
Crossroads, 2016201618” (H) x 14'“ (L)Pen on Paper
I'll always place treasures in your hair, 2018
I'll always place treasures in your hair, 2018201818” (H) x 14” (L)Pen on paper
Which one of 'em hit you?! (Four Little Ladies), 2018
Which one of 'em hit you?! (Four Little Ladies), 2018201822” (H) x 30” (L)Pen on paper
Solange, 2020
Solange, 2020202018” (H) x 14” (L)
Two braids have always been my fave, 2018
Two braids have always been my fave, 2018201818” (H) x 14” (L)Pen on Paper
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